Getting ready for the next four years at To the Wind Bistro. On  this Friday, January 20th, we will be hosting a charity dinner to all those who may feel a burden over the course of the direction of our new government. We will be hosting a dinner, and taking reservations, for this Friday the 20th, a 3 course dinner paired with beers from Good River, Blackshirt Brewery, and Goldspot Brewing. Tickets will be$45 a person and all profit will go to Good Rivers river conservation program, Colorado Immigrants Rights Coalition, and Planned parenthood. The Menu will be finalized this weekend and we are proud to have a keg of Goldspot's Pussy Riot to serve. If you would like to take part please call for a reservation at 303.316.3333

To the Wind


Three Course

To the Wind Charity Dinner

Featuring: Black Shirt Brewing, Good River Beer, Goldspot Brewery

Mushroom Soup

Mortadella panini, Hazel Dell mushrooms

Good River Beer, Pilsner


Half Buttermilk Chicken

Creamed quinoa, spinach, hazelnuts

Black Shirt Brewing, Pale Red Rye


Ricotta Tart

Almond, strawberry

Goldspot Brewery, Pussy Riot


All proceeds will be split among the following charities:
